Ive been looking for the perfect running around town dress to go with these fun and inexpensive J Crew factory slides. I finally found this super cute and adjustable button up dress. It has that fun stipe nautical feel that I always love to wear. I got it when my purchase was 25% off and they almost always have a coupon, so make sure and look it up before you buy! It has these fun pockets to hold your phone, keys and a small wallet and goes so well with those fun boardwalk slides, which are still on sale. Its also sporty enough to wear with my new Apple watch, which I’ve become quite fond of. Ive been using it to answer calls when my actual phone is buried deep in a purse and you’ve got at least two kids hanging off your arm!
DRESS: Abercrombie / SLIDES: J Crew factory / HAT: H&M / SUNGLASSES: Ray Ban